COFAC Performing Arts Society

Museums, Arts & Culture
About Us
PAS raises funds to support arts programming to include the Youth Performing Arts Series (YPAS), WIU Summer Music Camp Scholarships, Arts Programming Grants to WIU, Faculty and Staff, the Bureau of Cultural Affairs (BCA) and more! The Performing Arts Society includes community and university volunteers who are both patrons of the arts and who are dedicated to advancing arts programming at Western Illinois University.
PAS raises funds to support arts programming to include the Youth Performing Arts Series, WIU Summer Music Camp Scholarships, Arts Programming Grants to WIU, Faculty and Staff, the Bureau of Cultural Affairs (BCA), and other arts-centered programming at WIU. PAS raises funds through memberships and social fundraising functions.
PAS activities are governed by a board of directors and functionally falls under the direction of the College of Fine Arts and Communication.
The Performing Arts Society began in the spring of 1984 when it was clear to a small group of committed people that a united effort was needed to build a sense of pride in the performing arts for this region, to enhance the quality of life through exposure to the arts, and to demonstrate a collaborative effort to ensure the arts would always be a part of our community.
During the 2008-2009 Academic Year, PAS returned more than $90,000 to Western Illinois University to support Arts programming.
For more information about the Performing Arts Society or to inquire about PAS membership, please contact Mick Cumbie ( at 309-298-2620.