Implementation Guidance for Families First Act
Implementation Guidance for Families First Act

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) published additional implementation guidance pursuant to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
The new guidance includes two posters – one for federal workers and one for all other employees – that will fulfill notice requirements for employers obligated to inform employees about their rights under the new law. In addition, the WHD released a questions and answers document about posting requirements, as well as a Field Assistance Bulletin describing WHD’s 30-day non-enforcement policy.
As a reminder, the WHD published its first round of FFCRA implementation guidance on March 24th:
Also, a reminder that COVID-19 impacted small businesses can apply for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan at SBA’s Administrator, Jovita Carranza, announced automatic deferrals for existing SBA disaster loans through December 2020. More information on the deferrals can be found here.
Finally, a reminder that the State of Illinois has nearly $90 million Emergency Assistance available for small businesses. Details can be found here.