Change in Chamber Office Hours
Change in Chamber Office Hours
Hello Chamber Members,
We have made a change to the Chamber office hours and want to make sure you were aware so you can plan accordingly when bringing in redemptions and purchasing gift certificates.
We are now open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-1:30pm and by appointment after that.
There is a good chance I will be in the office for some or most of the afternoons, but now that we are a staff of two I can not guarantee that I will be in the office, as I often meet with members or have meetings scheduled in the afternoons. Therefore, if you need to conduct business in the afternoon please call the office at (309) 837-4855 ahead of time to see if I am here. Otherwise, plan to stop by between 8:30am-1:30pm.
We do plan to stay open until 4:30pm during the holiday season when gift certificate sales are at their highest. Also, you can always purchase gift certificates at the following banks during their normal business hours: Citizens Bank, MidAmerica National Bank, Fortress Bank, United Community Bank, and First Bankers Trust Co.
Please let me know if you have any questions!